People today seem busier than ever before. As a business owner, you likely agree. There's always a never-ending to-do list, new work to drum up, and employees or contractors to train. 
While you might not get to every last item on your to-do list, you can get to a lot of it with some helpful tips. No matter what line of business you are in, these four tips will help you be more productive.
Plan Your Day the Afternoon Before
Spend the final fifteen to twenty minutes of your day planning out your schedule for the next day. List the items that must get done first.
Also, think about what you might be able to delegate to someone else. You might find that they are even better at this task than you are. Your assistant can find draft emails or find a suitable business insurance policy. All you'll need to do is review them and give your final approval.
Do the Most Important Tasks First Thing
When you get to your office, home or otherwise, each morning, be sure to tackle the most pressing tasks first. Hint: this is usually not social media. Save that for later in the day when you need something less mentally taxing. In the morning, you're usually more alert and able to do the deep thinking and creating that you need to do for your business.
Take Your Full Lunch Break
It may be tempting to scarf your sandwich and smoothie at your desk, but don't do it. You need a break, take it without feeling guilty.
Eat your lunch away from your desk. Go outside for some fresh air. Take a 20-minute nap to refresh you. Getting away from your work give your the mental break you need so you can start the afternoon off well.
Prepare For the Post-Lunch Slump
Lots of people experience a drop in their ability to focus and get work done around mid-afternoon. Prevent this by eating a well-balanced lunch and cutting out excess sugar. If you feel hungry, keep some nuts or protein bars at your desk. Drink a glass of water or tea rather than a soda. Go outside for a quick walk. These activities should energize you so you can end your work day on a high note.
Remember to do what works for you, and your business. If you feel better searching for a BOP while your assistant handles customer service issues, do that. Try out these tips to see which work best for you, then stick to them.
Also Read: How Can Business Insurance Mitigate Risk?